React 的开发工作由 Meta 全职团队负责领导,并得到来自世界各地人们的贡献。
React 核心团队
React 核心团队成员全职致力于核心组件 API 的开发,负责 React DOM 和 React Native 的引擎,React 开发者工具,以及 React 的文档网站。
以下按字母顺序列出 React 团队的现任成员。

Dan Abramov
Dan 在意外发现 Microsoft PowerPoint 内部的 Visual Basic 后进入了编程行业。他发现了自己的真正使命,就是将 Sebastian 的推特转化为长篇博客文章。Dan 偶尔会通过整局游戏都躲在草丛里的方式,在《堡垒之夜》中赢得胜利。

Jack Pope
Shortly after being introduced to AutoHotkey, Jack had written scripts to automate everything he could think of. When reaching limitations there, he dove headfirst into web app development and hasn’t looked back. Most recently, Jack worked on the web platform at Instagram before moving to React. His favorite programming language is JSX.

Jason Bonta
Jason abandoned embedded C for a career in front-end engineering and never looked back. Armed with esoteric CSS knowledge and a passion for beautiful UI, Jason joined Facebook in 2010, where he now feels privileged to have seen JavaScript development come of age. Though he may not understand how for...of
loops work, he loves getting to work with brilliant people on projects that enable amazing UX.

Lauren Tan
Lauren’s programming career peaked when she first discovered the <marquee>
tag. She’s been chasing that high ever since. She studied Finance instead of CS in college, so she learned to code using Excel instead of Java. Lauren enjoys dropping cheeky memes in chat, playing video games with her partner, and petting her dog Zelda.

Luna Wei
Luna first learnt the fundamentals of python at the age of 6 from her father. Since then, she has been unstoppable. Luna aspires to be a gen z, and the road to success is paved with environmental advocacy, urban gardening and lots of quality time with her Voo-Doo’d (as pictured).

Seth Webster
Seth 是在亚利桑那州图森市长大的孩子时代开始编程的。学校毕业后,他被音乐病咬了一口,成为了巡回演出的音乐家,这持续了大约 10 年,然后他回到了“工作”,从 Intuit 开始。在他的业余时间,他喜欢 拍照,并在美国东北部为动物救援飞行。
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