响应事件 | Responding to Events

React lets you add event handlers to your JSX. Event handlers are your own functions that will be triggered in response to interactions like clicking, hovering, focusing form inputs, and so on. 使用 React 可以在 JSX 中添加 事件处理函数。其中事件处理函数为自定义函数,它将在响应交互(如点击、悬停、表单输入框获得焦点等)时触发。


  • Different ways to write an event handler
  • 编写事件处理函数的不同方法
  • How to pass event handling logic from a parent component
  • 如何从父组件传递事件处理逻辑
  • How events propagate and how to stop them
  • 事件如何传播以及如何停止它们

添加事件处理函数 | Adding event handlers

To add an event handler, you will first define a function and then pass it as a prop to the appropriate JSX tag. For example, here is a button that doesn’t do anything yet: 如需添加一个事件处理函数,你需要先定义一个函数,然后 将其作为 prop 传入 合适的 JSX 标签。例如,这里有一个没绑定任何事件的按钮:

export default function Button() {
  return (

You can make it show a message when a user clicks by following these three steps: 按照如下三个步骤,即可让它在用户点击时显示消息:

  1. Declare a function called handleClick inside your Button component.
  • Button 组件 内部 声明一个名为 handleClick 的函数。
  1. Implement the logic inside that function (use alert to show the message).
  • 实现函数内部的逻辑(使用 alert 来显示消息)。
  1. Add onClick={handleClick} to the <button> JSX.
  • 添加 onClick={handleClick}<button> JSX 中。
export default function Button() {
  function handleClick() {

  return (
    <button onClick={handleClick}>

You defined the handleClick function and then passed it as a prop to <button>. handleClick is an event handler. Event handler functions: 你可以定义 handleClick 函数然后 将其作为 prop 传入 <button>。其中 handleClick 是一个 事件处理函数 。事件处理函数有如下特点:

  • Are usually defined inside your components.
  • 通常在你的组件 内部 定义。
  • Have names that start with handle, followed by the name of the event.
  • 名称以 handle 开头,后跟事件名称。

By convention, it is common to name event handlers as handle followed by the event name. You’ll often see onClick={handleClick}, onMouseEnter={handleMouseEnter}, and so on. 按照惯例,通常将事件处理程序命名为 handle,后接事件名。你会经常看到 onClick={handleClick}onMouseEnter={handleMouseEnter} 等。

Alternatively, you can define an event handler inline in the JSX: 或者,你也可以在 JSX 中定义一个内联的事件处理函数:

<button onClick={function handleClick() {

Or, more concisely, using an arrow function: 或者,直接使用更为简洁箭头函数:

<button onClick={() => {

All of these styles are equivalent. Inline event handlers are convenient for short functions. 以上所有方式都是等效的。当函数体较短时,内联事件处理函数会很方便。


Functions passed to event handlers must be passed, not called. For example: 传递给事件处理函数的函数应直接传递,而非调用。例如:

传递一个函数(正确)/ passing a function (correct)调用一个函数(错误)/ calling a function (incorrect)
<button onClick={handleClick}><button onClick={handleClick()}>

The difference is subtle. In the first example, the handleClick function is passed as an onClick event handler. This tells React to remember it and only call your function when the user clicks the button. 区别很微妙。在第一个示例中,handleClick 函数作为 onClick 事件处理函数传递。这会让 React 记住它,并且只在用户点击按钮时调用你的函数。

In the second example, the () at the end of handleClick() fires the function immediately during rendering, without any clicks. This is because JavaScript inside the JSX { and } executes right away. 在第二个示例中,handleClick() 中最后的 () 会在 渲染 过程中 立即 触发函数,即使没有任何点击。这是因为位于 JSX {} 之间的 JavaScript 会立即执行。

When you write code inline, the same pitfall presents itself in a different way: 当你编写内联代码时,同样的陷阱可能会以不同的方式出现:

传递一个函数(正确)/ passing a function (correct)调用一个函数(错误)/ calling a function (incorrect)
<button onClick={() => alert('...')}><button onClick={alert('...')}>

Passing inline code like this won’t fire on click—it fires every time the component renders: 如果按如下方式传递内联代码,并不会在点击时触发,而是会在每次组件渲染时触发:

// This alert fires when the component renders, not when clicked!
// 这个 alert 在组件渲染时触发,而不是点击时触发!
<button onClick={alert('你点击了我!')}>

If you want to define your event handler inline, wrap it in an anonymous function like so: 如果你想要定义内联事件处理函数,请将其包装在匿名函数中,如下所示:

<button onClick={() => alert('你点击了我!')}>

Rather than executing the code inside with every render, this creates a function to be called later. 这里创建了一个稍后调用的函数,而不会在每次渲染时执行其内部代码。

In both cases, what you want to pass is a function: 在这两种情况下,你都应该传递一个函数:

  • <button onClick={handleClick}> passes the handleClick function.
  • <button onClick={handleClick}> 传递了 handleClick 函数。
  • <button onClick={() => alert('...')}> passes the () => alert('...') function.
  • <button onClick={() => alert('...')}> 传递了 () => alert('...') 函数。

Read more about arrow functions. 了解更多箭头函数的信息

在事件处理函数中读取 props | Reading props in event handlers

Because event handlers are declared inside of a component, they have access to the component’s props. Here is a button that, when clicked, shows an alert with its message prop: 由于事件处理函数声明于组件内部,因此它们可以直接访问组件的 props。示例中的按钮,当点击时会弹出带有 message prop 的 alert:

function AlertButton({ message, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={() => alert(message)}>

export default function Toolbar() {
  return (
      <AlertButton message="正在播放!">
      <AlertButton message="正在上传!">

This lets these two buttons show different messages. Try changing the messages passed to them. 此处有两个按钮,会展示不同的消息。你可以尝试更改传递给它们的消息。

将事件处理函数作为 props 传递 | Passing event handlers as props

Often you’ll want the parent component to specify a child’s event handler. Consider buttons: depending on where you’re using a Button component, you might want to execute a different function—perhaps one plays a movie and another uploads an image. 通常,我们会在父组件中定义子组件的事件处理函数。比如:置于不同位置的 Button 组件,可能最终执行的功能也不同 —— 也许是播放电影,也许是上传图片。

To do this, pass a prop the component receives from its parent as the event handler like so: 为此,将组件从父组件接收的 prop 作为事件处理函数传递,如下所示:

function Button({ onClick, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={onClick}>

function PlayButton({ movieName }) {
  function handlePlayClick() {
    alert(`正在播放 ${movieName}!`);

  return (
    <Button onClick={handlePlayClick}>
      播放 "{movieName}"

function UploadButton() {
  return (
    <Button onClick={() => alert('正在上传!')}>

export default function Toolbar() {
  return (
      <PlayButton movieName="魔女宅急便" />
      <UploadButton />

Here, the Toolbar component renders a PlayButton and an UploadButton: 示例中,Toolbar 组件渲染了一个 PlayButton 组件和 UploadButton 组件:

  • PlayButton passes handlePlayClick as the onClick prop to the Button inside.
  • PlayButtonhandlePlayClick 作为 onClick prop 传入 Button 组件内部。
  • UploadButton passes () => alert('Uploading!') as the onClick prop to the Button inside.
  • UploadButton() => alert('正在上传!') 作为 onClick prop 传入 Button 组件内部。

Finally, your Button component accepts a prop called onClick. It passes that prop directly to the built-in browser <button> with onClick={onClick}. This tells React to call the passed function on click. 最后,你的 Button 组件接收一个名为 onClick 的 prop。它直接将这个 prop 以 onClick={onClick} 方式传递给浏览器内置的 <button>。当点击按钮时,React 会调用传入的函数。

If you use a design system, it’s common for components like buttons to contain styling but not specify behavior. Instead, components like PlayButton and UploadButton will pass event handlers down. 如果你遵循某个 设计系统 时,按钮之类的组件通常会包含样式,但不会指定行为。而 PlayButtonUploadButton 之类的组件则会向下传递事件处理函数。

命名事件处理函数 prop | Naming event handler props

Built-in components like <button> and <div> only support browser event names like onClick. However, when you’re building your own components, you can name their event handler props any way that you like. 内置组件(<button><div>)仅支持 浏览器事件名称,例如 onClick。但是,当你构建自己的组件时,你可以按你个人喜好命名事件处理函数的 prop。

By convention, event handler props should start with on, followed by a capital letter. 按照惯例,事件处理函数 props 应该以 on 开头,后跟一个大写字母。

For example, the Button component’s onClick prop could have been called onSmash: 例如,Button 组件的 onClick prop 本来也可以被命名为 onSmash

function Button({ onSmash, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={onSmash}>

export default function App() {
  return (
      <Button onSmash={() => alert('正在播放!')}>
      <Button onSmash={() => alert('正在上传!')}>

In this example, <button onClick={onSmash}> shows that the browser <button> (lowercase) still needs a prop called onClick, but the prop name received by your custom Button component is up to you! 上述示例中,<button onClick={onSmash}> 代表浏览器内置的 <button>(小写)仍然需要使用 onClick prop,而自定义的 Button 组件接收到的 prop 名称可由你决定!

When your component supports multiple interactions, you might name event handler props for app-specific concepts. For example, this Toolbar component receives onPlayMovie and onUploadImage event handlers: 当你的组件支持多种交互时,你可以根据不同的应用程序命名事件处理函数 prop。例如,一个 Toolbar 组件接收 onPlayMovieonUploadImage 两个事件处理函数:

export default function App() {
  return (
      onPlayMovie={() => alert('正在播放!')}
      onUploadImage={() => alert('正在上传!')}

function Toolbar({ onPlayMovie, onUploadImage }) {
  return (
      <Button onClick={onPlayMovie}>
      <Button onClick={onUploadImage}>

function Button({ onClick, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={onClick}>

Notice how the App component does not need to know what Toolbar will do with onPlayMovie or onUploadImage. That’s an implementation detail of the Toolbar. Here, Toolbar passes them down as onClick handlers to its Buttons, but it could later also trigger them on a keyboard shortcut. Naming props after app-specific interactions like onPlayMovie gives you the flexibility to change how they’re used later. 请注意,App 组件并不需要知道 Toolbar 将会对 onPlayMovieonUploadImage什么 。上述示例是 Toolbar 的实现细节。其中,Toolbar 将它们作为 onClick 处理函数传递给了 Button 组件,其实还可以通过键盘快捷键来触发它们。根据应用程序特定的交互方式(如 onPlayMovie)来命名 prop ,可以让你灵活地更改以后使用它们的方式。


Make sure that you use the appropriate HTML tags for your event handlers. For example, to handle clicks, use <button onClick={handleClick}> instead of <div onClick={handleClick}>. Using a real browser <button> enables built-in browser behaviors like keyboard navigation. If you don’t like the default browser styling of a button and want to make it look more like a link or a different UI element, you can achieve it with CSS. Learn more about writing accessible markup. 确保为事件处理程序使用适当的 HTML 标签。例如,要处理点击事件,请使用 <button onClick={handleClick}> 而不是 <div onClick={handleClick}>。使用真正的浏览器 <button> 启用内置的浏览器行为,如键盘导航。如果你不喜欢按钮的默认浏览器样式,并且想让它看起来更像一个链接或不同的 UI 元素,你可以使用 CSS 来实现。了解有关编写无障碍标签的更多信息

事件传播 | Event propagation

Event handlers will also catch events from any children your component might have. We say that an event “bubbles” or “propagates” up the tree: it starts with where the event happened, and then goes up the tree. 事件处理函数还将捕获任何来自子组件的事件。通常,我们会说事件会沿着树向上“冒泡”或“传播”:它从事件发生的地方开始,然后沿着树向上传播。

This <div> contains two buttons. Both the <div> and each button have their own onClick handlers. Which handlers do you think will fire when you click a button? 下面这个 <div> 包含两个按钮。<div> 和每个按钮都有自己的 onClick 处理函数。你认为点击按钮时会触发哪些处理函数?

export default function Toolbar() {
  return (
    <div className="Toolbar" onClick={() => {
      alert('你点击了 toolbar !');
      <button onClick={() => alert('正在播放!')}>
      <button onClick={() => alert('正在上传!')}>

If you click on either button, its onClick will run first, followed by the parent <div>’s onClick. So two messages will appear. If you click the toolbar itself, only the parent <div>’s onClick will run. 如果你点击任一按钮,它自身的 onClick 将首先执行,然后父级 <div>onClick 会接着执行。因此会出现两条消息。如果你点击 toolbar 本身,将只有父级 <div>onClick 会执行。


All events propagate in React except onScroll, which only works on the JSX tag you attach it to. 在 React 中所有事件都会传播,除了 onScroll,它仅适用于你附加到的 JSX 标签。

阻止传播 | Stopping propagation

Event handlers receive an event object as their only argument. By convention, it’s usually called e, which stands for “event”. You can use this object to read information about the event. 事件处理函数接收一个 事件对象 作为唯一的参数。按照惯例,它通常被称为 e ,代表 “event”(事件)。你可以使用此对象来读取有关事件的信息。

That event object also lets you stop the propagation. If you want to prevent an event from reaching parent components, you need to call e.stopPropagation() like this Button component does: 这个事件对象还允许你阻止传播。如果你想阻止一个事件到达父组件,你需要像下面 Button 组件那样调用 e.stopPropagation()

function Button({ onClick, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={e => {

export default function Toolbar() {
  return (
    <div className="Toolbar" onClick={() => {
      alert('你点击了 toolbar !');
      <Button onClick={() => alert('正在播放!')}>
      <Button onClick={() => alert('正在上传!')}>

When you click on a button: 当你点击按钮时:

  1. React calls the onClick handler passed to <button>.
  • React 调用了传递给 <button>onClick 处理函数。
  1. That handler, defined in Button, does the following:
  • 定义在 Button 中的处理函数执行了如下操作:
    • Calls e.stopPropagation(), preventing the event from bubbling further.
    • 调用 e.stopPropagation(),阻止事件进一步冒泡。
    • Calls the onClick function, which is a prop passed from the Toolbar component.
    • 调用 onClick 函数,它是从 Toolbar 组件传递过来的 prop。
  1. That function, defined in the Toolbar component, displays the button’s own alert.
  • Toolbar 组件中定义的函数,显示按钮对应的 alert。
  1. Since the propagation was stopped, the parent <div>’s onClick handler does not run.
  • 由于传播被阻止,父级 <div>onClick 处理函数不会执行。

As a result of e.stopPropagation(), clicking on the buttons now only shows a single alert (from the <button>) rather than the two of them (from the <button> and the parent toolbar <div>). Clicking a button is not the same thing as clicking the surrounding toolbar, so stopping the propagation makes sense for this UI. 由于调用了 e.stopPropagation(),点击按钮现在将只显示一个 alert(来自 <button>),而并非两个(分别来自 <button> 和父级 toolbar <div>)。点击按钮与点击周围的 toolbar 不同,因此阻止传播对这个 UI 是有意义的。


捕获阶段事件 | Capture phase events

In rare cases, you might need to catch all events on child elements, even if they stopped propagation. For example, maybe you want to log every click to analytics, regardless of the propagation logic. You can do this by adding Capture at the end of the event name: 极少数情况下,你可能需要捕获子元素上的所有事件,即便它们阻止了传播。例如,你可能想对每次点击进行埋点记录,传播逻辑暂且不论。那么你可以通过在事件名称末尾添加 Capture 来实现这一点:

<div onClickCapture={() => { /* 这会首先执行 | this runs first */ }}>
<button onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} />
<button onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} />

Each event propagates in three phases: 每个事件分三个阶段传播:

  1. It travels down, calling all onClickCapture handlers.
  • 它向下传播,调用所有的 onClickCapture 处理函数。
  1. It runs the clicked element’s onClick handler.
  • 它执行被点击元素的 onClick 处理函数。
  1. It travels upwards, calling all onClick handlers.
  • 它向上传播,调用所有的 onClick 处理函数。

Capture events are useful for code like routers or analytics, but you probably won’t use them in app code. 捕获事件对于路由或数据分析之类的代码很有用,但你可能不会在应用程序代码中使用它们。

传递处理函数作为事件传播的替代方案 | Passing handlers as alternative to propagation

Notice how this click handler runs a line of code and then calls the onClick prop passed by the parent: 注意,此处的点击事件处理函数先执行了一行代码,然后调用了父组件传递的 onClick prop:

function Button({ onClick, children }) {
return (
<button onClick={e => {

You could add more code to this handler before calling the parent onClick event handler, too. This pattern provides an alternative to propagation. It lets the child component handle the event, while also letting the parent component specify some additional behavior. Unlike propagation, it’s not automatic. But the benefit of this pattern is that you can clearly follow the whole chain of code that executes as a result of some event. 你也可以在调用父元素 onClick 函数之前,向这个处理函数添加更多代码。此模式是事件传播的另一种 替代方案 。它让子组件处理事件,同时也让父组件指定一些额外的行为。与事件传播不同,它并非自动。但使用这种模式的好处是你可以清楚地追踪因某个事件的触发而执行的整条代码链。

If you rely on propagation and it’s difficult to trace which handlers execute and why, try this approach instead. 如果你依赖于事件传播,而且很难追踪哪些处理程序在执行,及其执行的原因,可以尝试这种方法。

阻止默认行为 | Preventing default behavior

Some browser events have default behavior associated with them. For example, a <form> submit event, which happens when a button inside of it is clicked, will reload the whole page by default: 某些浏览器事件具有与事件相关联的默认行为。例如,点击 <form> 表单内部的按钮会触发表单提交事件,默认情况下将重新加载整个页面:

export default function Signup() {
  return (
    <form onSubmit={() => alert('提交表单!')}>
      <input />

You can call e.preventDefault() on the event object to stop this from happening: 你可以调用事件对象中的 e.preventDefault() 来阻止这种情况发生:

export default function Signup() {
  return (
    <form onSubmit={e => {
      <input />

Don’t confuse e.stopPropagation() and e.preventDefault(). They are both useful, but are unrelated: 不要混淆 e.stopPropagation()e.preventDefault()。它们都很有用,但二者并不相关:

事件处理函数可以包含副作用吗?| Can event handlers have side effects?

Absolutely! Event handlers are the best place for side effects. 当然可以!事件处理函数是执行副作用的最佳位置。

Unlike rendering functions, event handlers don’t need to be pure, so it’s a great place to change something—for example, change an input’s value in response to typing, or change a list in response to a button press. However, in order to change some information, you first need some way to store it. In React, this is done by using state, a component’s memory. You will learn all about it on the next page. 与渲染函数不同,事件处理函数不需要是 纯函数,因此它是用来 更改 某些值的绝佳位置。例如,更改输入框的值以响应键入,或者更改列表以响应按钮的触发。但是,为了更改某些信息,你首先需要某种方式存储它。在 React 中,这是通过 state(组件的记忆) 来完成的。你将在下一章节了解所有相关信息。


  • You can handle events by passing a function as a prop to an element like <button>.
  • 你可以通过将函数作为 prop 传递给元素如 <button> 来处理事件。
  • Event handlers must be passed, not called! onClick={handleClick}, not onClick={handleClick()}.
  • 必须传递事件处理函数,而非函数调用! onClick={handleClick} ,不是 onClick={handleClick()}
  • You can define an event handler function separately or inline.
  • 你可以单独或者内联定义事件处理函数。
  • Event handlers are defined inside a component, so they can access props.
  • 事件处理函数在组件内部定义,所以它们可以访问 props。
  • You can declare an event handler in a parent and pass it as a prop to a child.
  • 你可以在父组件中定义一个事件处理函数,并将其作为 prop 传递给子组件。
  • You can define your own event handler props with application-specific names.
  • 你可以根据特定于应用程序的名称定义事件处理函数的 prop。
  • Events propagate upwards. Call e.stopPropagation() on the first argument to prevent that.
  • 事件会向上传播。通过事件的第一个参数调用 e.stopPropagation() 来防止这种情况。
  • Events may have unwanted default browser behavior. Call e.preventDefault() to prevent that.
  • 事件可能具有不需要的浏览器默认行为。调用 e.preventDefault() 来阻止这种情况。
  • Explicitly calling an event handler prop from a child handler is a good alternative to propagation.
  • 从子组件显式调用事件处理函数 prop 是事件传播的另一种优秀替代方案。

1挑战 2 个挑战:
修复事件处理函数 | Fix an event handler

Clicking this button is supposed to switch the page background between white and black. However, nothing happens when you click it. Fix the problem. (Don’t worry about the logic inside handleClick—that part is fine.) 点击此按钮理论上应该在黑白主题之间切换页面背景。然而,当你点击它时,什么也没有发生。解决这个问题。(无需担心 handleClick 的内部逻辑。)

export default function LightSwitch() {
  function handleClick() {
    let bodyStyle = document.body.style;
    if (bodyStyle.backgroundColor === 'black') {
      bodyStyle.backgroundColor = 'white';
    } else {
      bodyStyle.backgroundColor = 'black';

  return (
    <button onClick={handleClick()}>