Components often need to change what’s on the screen as a result of an interaction. Typing into the form should update the input field, clicking “next” on an image carousel should change which image is displayed, clicking “buy” should put a product in the shopping cart. Components need to “remember” things: the current input value, the current image, the shopping cart. In React, this kind of component-specific memory is called state. 组件通常需要根据交互更改屏幕上显示的内容。输入表单应该更新输入字段,单击轮播图上的“下一个”应该更改显示的图片,单击“购买”应该将商品放入购物车。组件需要“记住”某些东西:当前输入值、当前图片、购物车。在 React 中,这种组件特有的记忆被称为 state。
当普通的变量无法满足时 | When a regular variable isn’t enough
Here’s a component that renders a sculpture image. Clicking the “Next” button should show the next sculpture by changing the index
to 1
, then 2
, and so on. However, this won’t work (you can try it!):
以下是一个渲染雕塑图片的组件。点击 “Next” 按钮应该显示下一个雕塑并将 index
更改为 1
,再次点击又更改为 2
import { sculptureList } from './data.js'; export default function Gallery() { let index = 0; function handleClick() { index = index + 1; } let sculpture = sculptureList[index]; return ( <> <button onClick={handleClick}> Next </button> <h2> <i>{} </i> by {sculpture.artist} </h2> <h3> ({index + 1} of {sculptureList.length}) </h3> <img src={sculpture.url} alt={sculpture.alt} /> <p> {sculpture.description} </p> </> ); }
The handleClick
event handler is updating a local variable, index
. But two things prevent that change from being visible:
事件处理函数正在更新局部变量 index
- Local variables don’t persist between renders. When React renders this component a second time, it renders it from scratch—it doesn’t consider any changes to the local variables.
- 局部变量无法在多次渲染中持久保存。 当 React 再次渲染这个组件时,它会从头开始渲染——不会考虑之前对局部变量的任何更改。
- Changes to local variables won’t trigger renders. React doesn’t realize it needs to render the component again with the new data.
- 更改局部变量不会触发渲染。 React 没有意识到它需要使用新数据再次渲染组件。
To update a component with new data, two things need to happen: 要使用新数据更新组件,需要做两件事:
- Retain the data between renders.
- 保留 渲染之间的数据。
- Trigger React to render the component with new data (re-rendering).
- 触发 React 使用新数据渲染组件(重新渲染)。
The useState
Hook provides those two things:
Hook 提供了这两个功能:
- A state variable to retain the data between renders.
- State 变量 用于保存渲染间的数据。
- A state setter function to update the variable and trigger React to render the component again.
- State setter 函数 更新变量并触发 React 再次渲染组件。
添加一个 state 变量 | Adding a state variable
To add a state variable, import useState
from React at the top of the file:
要添加 state 变量,先从文件顶部的 React 中导入 useState
import { useState } from 'react';
Then, replace this line: 然后,替换这一行:
let index = 0;
with 将其修改为
const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);
is a state variable and setIndex
is the setter function.
是一个 state 变量,setIndex
是对应的 setter 函数。
syntax here is called array destructuring and it lets you read values from an array. The array returned byuseState
always has exactly two items. 这里的[
This is how they work together in handleClick
以下展示了它们在 handleClick()
function handleClick() {
setIndex(index + 1);
Now clicking the “Next” button switches the current sculpture: 现在点击 “Next” 按钮切换当前雕塑:
import { useState } from 'react'; import { sculptureList } from './data.js'; export default function Gallery() { const [index, setIndex] = useState(0); function handleClick() { setIndex(index + 1); } let sculpture = sculptureList[index]; return ( <> <button onClick={handleClick}> Next </button> <h2> <i>{} </i> by {sculpture.artist} </h2> <h3> ({index + 1} of {sculptureList.length}) </h3> <img src={sculpture.url} alt={sculpture.alt} /> <p> {sculpture.description} </p> </> ); }
遇见你的第一个 Hook | Meet your first Hook
In React, useState
, as well as any other function starting with “use
”, is called a Hook.
在 React 中,useState
”开头的函数都被称为 Hook。
Hooks are special functions that are only available while React is rendering (which we’ll get into in more detail on the next page). They let you “hook into” different React features. Hook 是特殊的函数,只在 React 渲染时有效(我们将在下一节详细介绍)。它们能让你 “hook” 到不同的 React 特性中去。
State is just one of those features, but you will meet the other Hooks later. State 只是这些特性中的一个,你之后还会遇到其他 Hook。
剖析 useState
| Anatomy of useState
When you call useState
, you are telling React that you want this component to remember something:
当你调用 useState
时,你是在告诉 React 你想让这个组件记住一些东西:
const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);
In this case, you want React to remember index
在这个例子里,你希望 React 记住 index
The only argument to useState
is the initial value of your state variable. In this example, the index
’s initial value is set to 0
with useState(0)
的唯一参数是 state 变量的初始值。在这个例子中,index
设置为 0
Every time your component renders, useState
gives you an array containing two values:
- The state variable (
) with the value you stored.
- state 变量 (
) 会保存上次渲染的值。
- The state setter function (
) which can update the state variable and trigger React to render the component again.
- state setter 函数 (
) 可以更新 state 变量并触发 React 重新渲染组件。
Here’s how that happens in action: 以下是实际发生的情况:
const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);
- Your component renders the first time. Because you passed
as the initial value forindex
, it will return[0, setIndex]
. React remembers0
is the latest state value.
- 组件进行第一次渲染。 因为你将
,它将返回[0, setIndex]
。 React 记住0
是最新的 state 值。
- You update the state. When a user clicks the button, it calls
setIndex(index + 1)
, so it’ssetIndex(1)
. This tells React to rememberindex
now and triggers another render.
- 你更新了 state。当用户点击按钮时,它会调用
setIndex(index + 1)
。这告诉 React 现在记住index
- Your component’s second render. React still sees
, but because React remembers that you setindex
, it returns[1, setIndex]
- 组件进行第二次渲染。React 仍然看到
,但是因为 React 记住 了你将index
,它将返回[1, setIndex]
- And so on!
- 以此类推!
赋予一个组件多个 state 变量 | Giving a component multiple state variables
You can have as many state variables of as many types as you like in one component. This component has two state variables, a number index
and a boolean showMore
that’s toggled when you click “Show details”:
你可以在一个组件中拥有任意多种类型的 state 变量。该组件有两个 state 变量,一个数字 index
和一个布尔值 showMore
,点击 “Show Details” 会改变 showMore
import { useState } from 'react'; import { sculptureList } from './data.js'; export default function Gallery() { const [index, setIndex] = useState(0); const [showMore, setShowMore] = useState(false); function handleNextClick() { setIndex(index + 1); } function handleMoreClick() { setShowMore(!showMore); } let sculpture = sculptureList[index]; return ( <> <button onClick={handleNextClick}> Next </button> <h2> <i>{} </i> by {sculpture.artist} </h2> <h3> ({index + 1} of {sculptureList.length}) </h3> <button onClick={handleMoreClick}> {showMore ? 'Hide' : 'Show'} details </button> {showMore && <p>{sculpture.description}</p>} <img src={sculpture.url} alt={sculpture.alt} /> </> ); }
It is a good idea to have multiple state variables if their state is unrelated, like index
and showMore
in this example. But if you find that you often change two state variables together, it might be easier to combine them into one. For example, if you have a form with many fields, it’s more convenient to have a single state variable that holds an object than state variable per field. Read Choosing the State Structure for more tips.
如果它们不相关,那么存在多个 state 变量是一个好主意,例如本例中的 index
和 showMore
。但是,如果你发现经常同时更改两个 state 变量,那么最好将它们合并为一个。例如,如果你有一个包含多个字段的表单,那么有一个值为对象的 state 变量比每个字段对应一个 state 变量更方便。 选择 state 结构在这方面有更多提示。
You might have noticed that the useState
call does not receive any information about which state variable it refers to. There is no “identifier” that is passed to useState
, so how does it know which of the state variables to return? Does it rely on some magic like parsing your functions? The answer is no.
在调用时没有任何关于它引用的是哪个 state 变量的信息。没有传递给 useState
的“标识符”,它是如何知道要返回哪个 state 变量呢?它是否依赖于解析函数之类的魔法?答案是否定的。
Instead, to enable their concise syntax, Hooks rely on a stable call order on every render of the same component. This works well in practice because if you follow the rule above (“only call Hooks at the top level”), Hooks will always be called in the same order. Additionally, a linter plugin catches most mistakes. 相反,为了使语法更简洁,在同一组件的每次渲染中,Hooks 都依托于一个稳定的调用顺序。这在实践中很有效,因为如果你遵循上面的规则(“只在顶层调用 Hooks”),Hooks 将始终以相同的顺序被调用。此外,linter 插件也可以捕获大多数错误。
Internally, React holds an array of state pairs for every component. It also maintains the current pair index, which is set to 0
before rendering. Each time you call useState
, React gives you the next state pair and increments the index. You can read more about this mechanism in React Hooks: Not Magic, Just Arrays.
在 React 内部,为每个组件保存了一个数组,其中每一项都是一个 state 对。它维护当前 state 对的索引值,在渲染之前将其设置为 “0”。每次调用 useState 时,React 都会为你提供一个 state 对并增加索引值。你可以在文章 React Hooks: not magic, just arrays中阅读有关此机制的更多信息。
This example doesn’t use React but it gives you an idea of how useState
works internally:
这个例子没有使用 React,但它让你了解 useState
let componentHooks = []; let currentHookIndex = 0; // How useState works inside React (simplified). // useState 在 React 中是如何工作的(简化版) function useState(initialState) { let pair = componentHooks[currentHookIndex]; if (pair) { // This is not the first render, // 这不是第一次渲染 // so the state pair already exists. // 所以 state pair 已经存在 // Return it and prepare for next Hook call. // 将其返回并为下一次 hook 的调用做准备 currentHookIndex++; return pair; } // This is the first time we're rendering, // 这是我们第一次进行渲染 // so create a state pair and store it. // 所以新建一个 state pair 然后存储它 pair = [initialState, setState]; function setState(nextState) { // When the user requests a state change, // 当用户发起 state 的变更, // put the new value into the pair. // 把新的值放入 pair 中 pair[0] = nextState; updateDOM(); } // Store the pair for future renders // 存储这个 pair 用于将来的渲染 // and prepare for the next Hook call. // 并且为下一次 hook 的调用做准备 componentHooks[currentHookIndex] = pair; currentHookIndex++; return pair; } function Gallery() { // Each useState() call will get the next pair. // 每次调用 useState() 都会得到新的 pair const [index, setIndex] = useState(0); const [showMore, setShowMore] = useState(false); function handleNextClick() { setIndex(index + 1); } function handleMoreClick() { setShowMore(!showMore); } let sculpture = sculptureList[index]; // This example doesn't use React, so // 这个例子没有使用 React,所以 // return an output object instead of JSX. // 返回一个对象而不是 JSX return { onNextClick: handleNextClick, onMoreClick: handleMoreClick, header: `${} by ${sculpture.artist}`, counter: `${index + 1} of ${sculptureList.length}`, more: `${showMore ? 'Hide' : 'Show'} details`, description: showMore ? sculpture.description : null, imageSrc: sculpture.url, imageAlt: sculpture.alt }; } function updateDOM() { // Reset the current Hook index // before rendering the component. // 在渲染组件之前 // 重置当前 Hook 的下标 currentHookIndex = 0; let output = Gallery(); // Update the DOM to match the output. // 更新 DOM 以匹配输出结果 // This is the part React does for you. // 这部分工作由 React 为你完成 nextButton.onclick = output.onNextClick; header.textContent = output.header; moreButton.onclick = output.onMoreClick; moreButton.textContent = output.more; image.src = output.imageSrc; image.alt = output.imageAlt; if (output.description !== null) { description.textContent = output.description; = ''; } else { = 'none'; } } let nextButton = document.getElementById('nextButton'); let header = document.getElementById('header'); let moreButton = document.getElementById('moreButton'); let description = document.getElementById('description'); let image = document.getElementById('image'); let sculptureList = [{ name: 'Homenaje a la Neurocirugía', artist: 'Marta Colvin Andrade', description: 'Although Colvin is predominantly known for abstract themes that allude to pre-Hispanic symbols, this gigantic sculpture, an homage to neurosurgery, is one of her most recognizable public art pieces.', url: '', alt: 'A bronze statue of two crossed hands delicately holding a human brain in their fingertips.' }, { name: 'Floralis Genérica', artist: 'Eduardo Catalano', description: 'This enormous (75 ft. or 23m) silver flower is located in Buenos Aires. It is designed to move, closing its petals in the evening or when strong winds blow and opening them in the morning.', url: '', alt: 'A gigantic metallic flower sculpture with reflective mirror-like petals and strong stamens.' }, { name: 'Eternal Presence', artist: 'John Woodrow Wilson', description: 'Wilson was known for his preoccupation with equality, social justice, as well as the essential and spiritual qualities of humankind. This massive (7ft. or 2,13m) bronze represents what he described as "a symbolic Black presence infused with a sense of universal humanity."', url: '', alt: 'The sculpture depicting a human head seems ever-present and solemn. It radiates calm and serenity.' }, { name: 'Moai', artist: 'Unknown Artist', description: 'Located on the Easter Island, there are 1,000 moai, or extant monumental statues, created by the early Rapa Nui people, which some believe represented deified ancestors.', url: '', alt: 'Three monumental stone busts with the heads that are disproportionately large with somber faces.' }, { name: 'Blue Nana', artist: 'Niki de Saint Phalle', description: 'The Nanas are triumphant creatures, symbols of femininity and maternity. Initially, Saint Phalle used fabric and found objects for the Nanas, and later on introduced polyester to achieve a more vibrant effect.', url: '', alt: 'A large mosaic sculpture of a whimsical dancing female figure in a colorful costume emanating joy.' }, { name: 'Ultimate Form', artist: 'Barbara Hepworth', description: 'This abstract bronze sculpture is a part of The Family of Man series located at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Hepworth chose not to create literal representations of the world but developed abstract forms inspired by people and landscapes.', url: '', alt: 'A tall sculpture made of three elements stacked on each other reminding of a human figure.' }, { name: 'Cavaliere', artist: 'Lamidi Olonade Fakeye', description: "Descended from four generations of woodcarvers, Fakeye's work blended traditional and contemporary Yoruba themes.", url: '', alt: 'An intricate wood sculpture of a warrior with a focused face on a horse adorned with patterns.' }, { name: 'Big Bellies', artist: 'Alina Szapocznikow', description: "Szapocznikow is known for her sculptures of the fragmented body as a metaphor for the fragility and impermanence of youth and beauty. This sculpture depicts two very realistic large bellies stacked on top of each other, each around five feet (1,5m) tall.", url: '', alt: 'The sculpture reminds a cascade of folds, quite different from bellies in classical sculptures.' }, { name: 'Terracotta Army', artist: 'Unknown Artist', description: 'The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The army consisted of more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses.', url: '', alt: '12 terracotta sculptures of solemn warriors, each with a unique facial expression and armor.' }, { name: 'Lunar Landscape', artist: 'Louise Nevelson', description: 'Nevelson was known for scavenging objects from New York City debris, which she would later assemble into monumental constructions. In this one, she used disparate parts like a bedpost, juggling pin, and seat fragment, nailing and gluing them into boxes that reflect the influence of Cubism’s geometric abstraction of space and form.', url: '', alt: 'A black matte sculpture where the individual elements are initially indistinguishable.' }, { name: 'Aureole', artist: 'Ranjani Shettar', description: 'Shettar merges the traditional and the modern, the natural and the industrial. Her art focuses on the relationship between man and nature. Her work was described as compelling both abstractly and figuratively, gravity defying, and a "fine synthesis of unlikely materials."', url: '', alt: 'A pale wire-like sculpture mounted on concrete wall and descending on the floor. It appears light.' }, { name: 'Hippos', artist: 'Taipei Zoo', description: 'The Taipei Zoo commissioned a Hippo Square featuring submerged hippos at play.', url: '', alt: 'A group of bronze hippo sculptures emerging from the sett sidewalk as if they were swimming.' }]; // Make UI match the initial state. // 使 UI 匹配当前 state updateDOM();
You don’t have to understand it to use React, but you might find this a helpful mental model. 你不必理解它就可以使用 React,但你可能会发现这是一个有用的心智模型。
State 是隔离且私有的 | State is isolated and private
State is local to a component instance on the screen. In other words, if you render the same component twice, each copy will have completely isolated state! Changing one of them will not affect the other. State 是屏幕上组件实例内部的状态。换句话说,如果你渲染同一个组件两次,每个副本都会有完全隔离的 state!改变其中一个不会影响另一个。
In this example, the Gallery
component from earlier is rendered twice with no changes to its logic. Try clicking the buttons inside each of the galleries. Notice that their state is independent:
在这个例子中,之前的 Gallery
组件以同样的逻辑被渲染了两次。试着点击每个画廊内的按钮。你会注意到它们的 state 是相互独立的:
import Gallery from './Gallery.js'; export default function Page() { return ( <div className="Page"> <Gallery /> <Gallery /> </div> ); }
This is what makes state different from regular variables that you might declare at the top of your module. State is not tied to a particular function call or a place in the code, but it’s “local” to the specific place on the screen. You rendered two <Gallery />
components, so their state is stored separately.
这就是 state 与声明在模块顶部的普通变量不同的原因。 State 不依赖于特定的函数调用或在代码中的位置,它的作用域“只限于”屏幕上的某块特定区域。你渲染了两个 <Gallery />
组件,所以它们的 state 是分别存储的。
Also notice how the Page
component doesn’t “know” anything about the Gallery
state or even whether it has any. Unlike props, state is fully private to the component declaring it. The parent component can’t change it. This lets you add state to any component or remove it without impacting the rest of the components.
还要注意 Page
组件“不知道”关于 Gallery
state 的任何信息,甚至不知道它是否有任何 state。与 props 不同,state 完全私有于声明它的组件。父组件无法更改它。这使你可以向任何组件添加或删除 state,而不会影响其他组件。
What if you wanted both galleries to keep their states in sync? The right way to do it in React is to remove state from child components and add it to their closest shared parent. The next few pages will focus on organizing state of a single component, but we will return to this topic in Sharing State Between Components. 如果你希望两个画廊保持其 states 同步怎么办?在 React 中执行此操作的正确方法是从子组件中删除 state 并将其添加到离它们最近的共享父组件中。接下来的几节将专注于组织单个组件的 state,但我们将在组件间共享 state 中回到这个主题。
- Use a state variable when a component needs to “remember” some information between renders.
- 当一个组件需要在多次渲染间“记住”某些信息时使用 state 变量。
- State variables are declared by calling the
Hook. - State 变量是通过调用
Hook 来声明的。 - Hooks are special functions that start with
. They let you “hook into” React features like state. - Hook 是以
开头的特殊函数。它们能让你 “hook” 到像 state 这样的 React 特性中。 - Hooks might remind you of imports: they need to be called unconditionally. Calling Hooks, including
, is only valid at the top level of a component or another Hook. - Hook 可能会让你想起 import:它们需要在非条件语句中调用。调用 Hook 时,包括
,仅在组件或另一个 Hook 的顶层被调用才有效。 - The
Hook returns a pair of values: the current state and the function to update it. useState
Hook 返回一对值:当前 state 和更新它的函数。- You can have more than one state variable. Internally, React matches them up by their order.
- 你可以拥有多个 state 变量。在内部,React 按顺序匹配它们。
- State is private to the component. If you render it in two places, each copy gets its own state.
- State 是组件私有的。如果你在两个地方渲染它,则每个副本都有独属于自己的 state。
第 1 个挑战 共 4 个挑战: 完成画廊组件 | Complete the gallery
When you press “Next” on the last sculpture, the code crashes. Fix the logic to prevent the crash. You may do this by adding extra logic to event handler or by disabling the button when the action is not possible. 当你在最后一个雕塑上按 “Next” 时,代码会发生崩溃。请修复逻辑以防止此崩溃。你可以尝试在事件处理函数中添加额外的逻辑,或在操作无法执行时禁用掉按钮。
After fixing the crash, add a “Previous” button that shows the previous sculpture. It shouldn’t crash on the first sculpture. 修复崩溃后,添加一个显示上一个雕塑的 “Previous” 按钮。同样地,确保它不在第一个雕塑里发生崩溃。
import { useState } from 'react'; import { sculptureList } from './data.js'; export default function Gallery() { const [index, setIndex] = useState(0); const [showMore, setShowMore] = useState(false); function handleNextClick() { setIndex(index + 1); } function handleMoreClick() { setShowMore(!showMore); } let sculpture = sculptureList[index]; return ( <> <button onClick={handleNextClick}> Next </button> <h2> <i>{} </i> by {sculpture.artist} </h2> <h3> ({index + 1} of {sculptureList.length}) </h3> <button onClick={handleMoreClick}> {showMore ? 'Hide' : 'Show'} details </button> {showMore && <p>{sculpture.description}</p>} <img src={sculpture.url} alt={sculpture.alt} /> </> ); }